Grit.org Podcast
Welcome to the Grit.org podcast with Colby Harris and Brian Harbin. In these episodes they speak to top achievers in athletics and business in order to understand the habits and mindset they apply in order to build more grit.
Grit.org Podcast
How Domains Control The Business World - Grit Brokerage EP 31
In this episode we sit down with the team Grit Brokerage to discuss the latest events in the digital world. From the recent domain conference in London, to billionaires acquiring their last name domain - this episode is action packed with everything you need to know currently happening in the domain space. Be sure to share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it, and reach out to Grit Brokerage with all your premium domain needs! Enjoy!
Website: https://www.grit.org/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNYFCl9ZQw6opYuNsm48euw
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